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Supporting you on your journey.

All are welcome in the Wellness Center as a respite from the hectic pace of your days or to be in community with others. Students can decompress with mindfulness tools like coloring books or craft supplies, and enjoy amenities like complimentary snacks, tea, coffee, and a massage chair. Students can receive guidance and accompaniment, equipping them to make informed decisions that align with their unique journeys.

You can contact the Wellness Center at any time during business hours
Monday. - Friday 9am - 5pm
Call 408-554-4409 or email

Check out the events that are happening at the Wellness Center
Navigate here to Wellness Coaching

Students who would like guidance and encouragement in achieving positive behavior change can participate in sessions. Common topics students receive coaching on are: substance usage, time management, feeling overwhelmed, adjusting sleep schedules, and navigating social situations.

Navigate here to Survivor Advocacy

Individuals (students, faculty & staff) that have experienced different forms of interpersonal harm including relationship violence, sexual violence, stalking, sex-based harassment and discrimination, or those supporting an individual that has experienced interpersonal harm, can connect with . Confidential Advocacy may include: space to process experiences; emotional, physical and technological safety planning, information about survivors' options, rights, and resources with accompaniment.

We are home to two student groups: the Peer Health Educators and the Violence Prevention Educators.

Navigate here to Peer Health Educators (PHEs)

A peer network to encourage, support, and advance healthful living for all SA国际传媒 students focusing on campus education and engagement around mental health, burnout, substance usage and general well-being.

Navigate here to Violence Prevention Educators (VPEs)

A student-based group creating intentional programming and spaces to raise awareness around interpersonal violence and healthy relationships as well as providing tools for bystander intervention and encouraging a culture of accountability and care

One Column
Eight Dimensions of Well-Being

The Wellness Center can support you in fulfilling all the dimensions of your well-being. We can help you find resources, a mentor to talk with individually or events and programs where you can connect with other Broncos. We're here for you!


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