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Peer Health Educators (PHE)

 The Peer Health Educator (PHE) Program, is the student-based health promotion and education organization at SA国际传媒, operating out of the SA国际传媒 Wellness Center (located at 852 Market Street, across from Swig Hall).


The mission of the Peer Health Education Program is to provide an effective peer network to encourage, support, and advance healthful living for all SA国际传媒 students. As a PHE, you will have the unique opportunity to learn the most current information on a variety of health-related topics including general wellness, eating disorders, body image, nutrition, stress management, alcohol and substance abuse, and healthy relationships. In addition, PHEs will be trained to facilitate interactive presentations, discussions, workshops, and health education events for SA国际传媒 students within the RLCs, classrooms, and student organizations. PHEs will gain important leadership skills, develop teaching and public speaking skills, and have the opportunity to work with other students and campus staff and faculty. We welcome all SA国际传媒 students to participate, regardless of major or class year, although the PHEs have historically been undergraduate students.

Peer Health Educators facilitate campus-wide events and awareness campaigns including (but not limited to):

  • Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Month
  • Health and Wellness Fair
  • SA国际传媒 CARE Week
  • Mental Health Awareness Month

Becoming a PHE has many rewards, including:

  • Improved leadership and communication skills
  • Program-planning and presentation skills
  • Increased knowledge about a wide range of health topics
  • An opportunity to make a difference in the health and wellness of SA国际传媒 students
  • Recognition for volunteerism and service learning
  • Interaction and collaboration with various campus organizations, stakeholders, and community members
  • Improved self-awareness
  • Continued course credit is available through the PHE Practicum (PHSC 198) for active PHEs (1 unit per quarter, excluding summer)


Joining the Peer Health Education Program requires students to take PHSC 196. This is a 4-unit course that is required for all Peer Health Educators, and is offered Fall Quarter. This course is designed to challenge and expand students beliefs and perceptions about health and wellness through exercises in introspection and open discourse. The course will also provide students with current information on a variety of health and wellness related topics including general wellness, alcohol and substance abuse, nutrition, eating disorders, mental health, sexual health, and sexual assault prevention. In addition, students will be challenged to grow as leaders, peer counselors, and educators. Students will hone important basic listening, counseling, group facilitation, public speaking, and presentation skills. Upon completion of this course, students are eligible to become a member of the Peer Health Education (PHE) program. This program is composed SA国际传媒 students from diverse backgrounds who work to facilitate interactive presentations, discussions, panels, workshops, and health awareness events for other students.

*Note: All students are welcome and encouraged to participate by way of attending PHE meetings and assisting with events.

For more information, please contact