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Peer Educator Program

Peer Educator

People sitting in a classroom, some smiling, some engaged in activities.


Created in 1997 as an experiment in enhancing student learning, the Peer Educator Program is designed to facilitate and enrich the learning supported by undergraduate instruction at SA国际传媒. Peer educators are students who help a faculty member with the administration of a class.

More specifically, the Peer Educator Program aims to:

  • enhance and enrich the learning experiences of the peer educators through close collaboration with a faculty member
  • enhance and enrich learning in undergraduate courses, especially lower-division university and school core courses
  • contribute to the Residential Learning Community initiative to increase awareness of the close relationships between experiential and classroom learning and cultivate a frame of mind conducive to life-long learning 
  • support faculty initiatives to develop and implement pedagogies that further other goals of the program and of the university. [Possibly shorten this]

Contact Information

Director: Theresa Conefrey