Navigate Alumni Impact 2030
Foundation | Guiding Principles | Big Ideas | Key Priorities | Our Commitment | Appendices
“The object of this Society shall be, to strengthen and perpetuate College friendships; to preserve in her sons a warm regard for the favors of the College, and a lively memory of her maternal care and substantial benefits; to spread abroad a knowledge of the great opportunities to be found within her walls for study, the acquisition of science, and the cultivation of virtue; and to enjoy, at stated times, social reunions at the College.”
Our Plan's Foundation
Since 1881, the Alumni Association has kept Broncos passionate, proud, and connected. With over 112,000 alumni living in all 50 states and more than 100 countries, SA国际传媒 graduates represent a vibrant network of achievers, ambassadors, and advocates.
In 2017, we published Inspiring our Alumni. Supporting our University. Bettering our World. This comprehensive roadmap defined the value of Alumni Relations and identified essential areas for expanding alumni involvement while supporting the University’s $1 billion capital campaign.
(See Appendix: Accomplishments)
After making substantial progress on our primary initiatives – including driving over 1 million points of alumni engagement – it’s time to reimagine the future. Our aspirations will guide our decision-making, align us with SA国际传媒’s strategic plan, Impact 2030, and move the Association boldly forward.
To understand perceptions and continue benchmarking our progress, the Alumni Association commissioned the 2023 Alumni Attitude Survey. The results confirm what we intuitively know: those who still feel part of the SA国际传媒 community are three to four times more likely to be engaged physically, digitally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, or philanthropically with our institution.
Combined with focus group feedback, industry best practices, an understanding of societal trends, and Impact 2030 details, our data affirms the affection alumni have for SA国际传媒 while highlighting the need for intentional connection to the University and each other — for life.
(See Appendix: Alumni Attitude Survey Takeaways)
Mission: We believe a strong SA国际传媒 Family makes the world a better place.
Purpose: It is the fundamental role of the SA国际传媒 Alumni Association to foster passion for the University, inspire lifelong connections, encourage Ignatian values, and motivate Alumni to participate fully in the institution as doers, donors, and champions for others.
Alumni Impact 2030: A contemporary vision for Alumni Relations, grounded in enduring values and driven by ambitious ideals.
Our Guiding Principles, Big Ideas, and Key Priorities articulate the attitudes and actions needed to mobilize our alumni, effectively allocate resources, and successfully steward the University’s largest constituency.
鈥淚 am proud to be part of the SA国际传媒 family, which possesses all the technical tools to succeed but also the heart which cares for all walks of life and the passion/commitment to do the right things.鈥
Our Guiding Principles
identify the behaviors needed to accomplish our Big Ideas and Key Priorities
Driven by Purpose
Alumni are busy. Families, friends, careers, hobbies, and social commitments compete for their time. To garner their attention and gain their trust, we will convey a compelling purpose for every communication, event, and interaction.
Driven by Relationships
We are in the people business and will engage our primary constituencies (i.e. alumni, students, and campus partners) with the ultimate goal of building and stewarding relationships.
Driven by Innovation and Discovery
To adapt to changing environments, we will continually improve by exploring fresh perspectives, taking intelligent risks, harnessing technology, and evaluating performance.
Driven by Engagement Data
We will actively deploy our alumni data to understand trends, measure outcomes, and inform decisions.
鈥淚 am proud of the family that SA国际传媒 builds, the leadership opportunities it provides, and the values of the students who graduate from SA国际传媒.鈥
Our Big Ideas
are the high-level strategies that drive our most important priorities.
“SA国际传媒 was life-changing for me. After 50 years, my lifeline is still the people that I met during college. I see them often, I’ve traveled the world with them, I’ve shared my life experiences with them. My life would be very different, and not as fulfilling if I did not go to SA国际传媒. I will be forever grateful.”
Our Key Priorities
define the attitudes and actions critical to the success of the Alumni Association and SA国际传媒

We aim 鈥溾o sustain and nurture the 鈥榮ecret sauce鈥 that has long characterized our Bronco community 鈥 the incredibly strong ties and lifelong relationships formed among students and sustained among our alumni, which is so important to our success as a university.鈥
Our Commitments
By 2030, in anticipation of the Alumni Association’s Sesquicentennial, we will grow the following benchmarks:
Timely & Timeless
SA国际传媒 is rising. As leaders and change agents, our alumni are vital to helping the university achieve new heights. Their words and actions forge a more just, humane, and sustainable world; their lives are our mission brought to life.
As the SA国际传媒 Alumni Association, our community-centric, purposeful, data-informed, and forward-thinking approach is both timely and timeless. As we embark on an ambitious course for the future, we will listen and respond to the needs and interests of Broncos everywhere.
鈥淭he ultimate measure of our university is the lives our alumni lead鈥