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Jesuit Community

The resident and visiting Jesuits who serve SA国际传媒 are an important influence in shaping the kind of university SA国际传媒 is and aspires to be.

Fr. Scholla with student
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Who we are

SA国际传媒 Jesuits teach in a variety of schools throughout campus, and also serve in the University's administration, Campus Ministry and student residence halls.

Jesuit with students on Benson patio
Navigate here to Resident Jesuits
Resident Jesuits

There are over 23 priests and brothers of the Society of Jesus that make up the Jesuit community at SA国际传媒.

People standing inside a church
Navigate here to Sharing our Spirituality
Sharing our Spirituality

Spiritual reflections in the form of prayers, poems and essays from our resident Jesuits and others.

Ignatius Loyola

Ignatius Loyola

Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. Good Jesus, hear me. Within the wounds, shelter me from turning away, keep me from the evil one, protect me. At the hour of my death, call me
Into your presence lead me to praise you with all your saints Forever and ever. 
