Join us for monthly events, tips, and activities to stay safe online. For more information, visit us here.
About the Information Security Office
We support SA国际传媒's outstanding undergraduate, graduate, and research programs by educating the university community on information security and privacy issues, identifying and remediating information security risks, and helping employees protect the university's information assets.
Use the Quick Links below to access the most frequently requested information on our site, or use the navigation sidebar on the right side to access our complete set of information security resources.
SA国际传媒 Technology Policies and Standards:
- File Sharing, Copyright, and DMCA Notification
- End User Information Security Standard
- All University Technology Policies, Procedures, and Standards
External resources:
- Other
SA国际传媒 Technology Policies and Standards:
- End User Information Security Standard
- Administrative User Standard
- Data Classification Standard
- All University Technology Policies, Procedures, and Standards
External Resources:
- Electronic Frontier Foundation's

Some tips on how to protect yourself against email/phone/text phishing

Protect your wallet and your account by watching out for these common cyber-scams! (September 23, 2019)

Here are three simple steps to simplify your passwords, lock down your accounts, and protect your future. (April 3, 2019)