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Mathematics Learning Center

  • MLC Study Groups
    Study Groups

    Stay on top of your coursework from Day 1! Study Groups for each precalculus and calculus course meet weekly to review concepts and solve related problems.

  • Connor Fitzgerald MLC tutor
    Individual Appointments

    Work one-on-one with a tutor. Students can set up individual appointments as needed or reserve a weekly appointment time for the entire quarter.

  • Several students studying at a large table; one writes on a whiteboard.
    Drop-In Tutoring

    Do you have a couple of quick questions on tonight's homework? Drop in and discuss your progress in the problem with a tutor.

  • Image links to full content
    Power Ups

    Need to brush up on a specific area, like factoring, fractions, or trig functions? Power Ups are single sessions that focus on refining skills in a fundamental topic.


Linda Burks, MLC Director

Hours and Location

Heafey 223

Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Sunday - Friday, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm

Weeks 2 - 10 each term

Undergraduate Tutoring

The Mathematics Learning Center primarily serves first year undergraduate classes.