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Technology at SA国际传媒

Campus Cable TV

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For XFINITY support, please email or call (877) 978-3229.


XFINITY on Campus (XOC)

Available to all students registered as living on Campus, XOC provides 100+ live streaming channels, XFINTIY on Demand and premium channels anywhere on campus, including HBO. For more information about XOC.

Log in to the My SA国际传媒 Portal, and choose the XFINITY tile, OR use the XFINITY TV App on your mobile device.

NOTE: Mobile users will need to download the XFINITY TV App from their device鈥檚 app store. The web-player will not work on mobile browsers.

Campus Cable TV can be viewed on a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, as well as your flat panel TV. Laptops can be connected via ethernet cable or campus WiFi, and smartphones and tablets can use campus WiFi. Or if you have a SmartTV that connects through WiFi to the internet you will be able to connect to campus cable TV.

Only TV's with HDMI inputs and wireless capability will be able to connect to the campus cable TV system. For those TVs with only HDMI inputs, you will need to purchase a wireless receiver to act as your interface. If connecting Smart TV via ethernet cable or WiFi, you will need to register your device on the BroncoFi network. Please visit the Registering a Device page for the simple instructions.

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