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Endowed Chairs


Pedro Arrupe, S.J. Professor
Paul A. Soukup, S.J. (Communication)

Fay Boyle Professor
Enrique S. Pumar (Sociology)

Edmund Campion, S.J. Professor
Paul P. Mariani, S.J. (History)

Lee and Seymour Graff Professor
Kathy Aoki (Art & Art History)

Lee and Seymour Graff Professor II
Betty A. Young (Physics)

John Nobili, S.J. Professor
Amelia Fuller (Chemistry & Biochemistry)

Sanfilippo Family Professor
Craig Stephens (Biology/Public Health)

Harold and Edythe Toso Professor
Blake DeMaria (Art & Art History)


College of Arts and Sciences

Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J., University Professor
Thomas G. Plante (Psychology)

Patrick A. Donohoe, S.J. Professor
Laura L. Ellingson (Communication and Women's and Gender Studies)

Bernard J. Hanley Professor
David B. Gray (Religious Studies)

Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J. Professor
Naomi Andrews (History)

Fletcher Jones Professor
Eric Tillman (Chemistry and Biochemistry)

Clare Boothe Luce Professors
Grace Stokes (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Nicolette Meshkat (Mathematics and Computer Science)

Knight Ridder/San Jose Mercury News Professor
Michael T. Whalen (Communication)

Walter E. Schmidt, S.J. Professor
Barbara A. Molony (History)

Michael and Elizabeth Valeriote Professor
Janice Edgerly-Rooks (Biology)

William J. Rewak, S.J. Professor
Aldo L. Billingslea (Theater and Dance)